Marketing Strategist

SideKit provide marketing strategies for small to medium NZ businesses with a focus on developing and growing their businesses’ marketing.

Our strategies can be used as a one-off strategy for the DIY or inhouse marketer, or as the first stepping stone to working alongside SideKit.

We design this strategy to suit your business. Our team of marketing and design professionals get to know you and work with you to establish your budget, resources on hand, strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and goals.

Then we work together to understand your goals, research your business, market, and industry and come back to you with the proposed next best actions to nurture and grow your business.

A deep dive into your on and offline marketing and business direction.


Marketing Strategy for Small NZ Business

SideKit is a strategist specialising in small NZ business. Based in Auckland, and servicing NZ small businesses nationwide. Providing cost effective, remote support solutions across marketing, operations and business management.

Led by an experienced Marketing and Operations Manager, SideKit brings wide and diverse set of skills, international travel, education and training to our practice. Find out more about SideKit.

Contact SideKit.

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